Wednesday, February 28, 2007


OK, i posted this link up on the brutaltraining forum, but i had to put it up here too , its soooooo motivational, even if you aren't a fighter , or don't even do martial arts, this video touches something deeper within us all, a warrior spirit.
Combat has nothing to do with fighting your opponent, to fight an enemy is to give him strength. It has EVERYTHING to do with facing yourself. Its nothing to do with beating some other guy to a pulp, its do do with looking inside yourself to face your own fears, to dis identify from mind, from illusion and from fear. In combat or any other sport, or life situation, in fact in any and every moment you must cut away from the ghost of the past, cut away from the illusion of future, and just be fully present in THIS moment. It is here we find our inner peace, our unmovable stillness, we become the calm within the storm, we take whatever action is necessary without fear, and without judgement, our actions spring forth from the absolute. This is our warrior spirit. This is what all warrior seek, and ARE! Combat is just one of the many ways in which these lessons are realised, when your opponent stands before you, you have no option BUT to be in the moment, to relinquish fear, otherwise you will die a thousand deaths. The man standing before you is not your enemy, but your greatest teacher

'The man who conquers himself is superior to the one who conquers a thousand men in battle'- Buddha


The adventure awaits........

live it

David Kelso



Visualisation is an extremely powerful tool that we have to create our own destinies and shape our own lives. Daily i use visualisations to for all aspects of my life, and what i want to create, i realise i am the creator of my own universe, i am unlimited and undefinable, so are YOU!

Daily i focus on increased strength, health, vitality, energy, i focus on my inner energy field pulsating with power, every muscle exploding with strength and carved out of marble, my body moving with the agility, grace and speed of a big cat, my spirit shining through, i feel like a force of nature, shining like the sun, with the power and stillness of the ocean, i envision myself as TARZAN....

But you cant just picture it and wish you could be what you desire, you have to feel have to become it...

Before i enter these meditations i free myself from identification with the ego mind, i am not and neither are you, your past, your beliefs, your problems, or ANY of your life situation. We are all something far greater than can be spoken about, we are the infinite unlimited consciousness, we are the universe, god manifested, we are the creators, the immortal spirit, this is our true natures, This is being. To experience this you must free yourself from ego mind, let go of everything you THINK you are and FEEL what you truly are let go of past and future and be present here, now, only now do you hold the power of creation. You can create ANYTHING you want there are no limits in this universe, limits are only in mind, see and more importantly FEEL yourself as that which you desire, not in some future time, that is an illusion, but right here, right now, feel it, become it, where you stand. You don't need to know how, that will take care of itself. Just see, feel and believe to be that which you desire, give gratitude for ALREADY having it, and release your wish to the universe, which is in turn, your own true nature. You are free, there are no limits.

' Spirit, by its nature, has no consciousness of duality, since it has no faculty of discrimination. It knows no impossible, no failure, no obstacle, or limit. or lack.'- John McDonald

The adventure awaits......

live it

David Kelso


Monday, February 05, 2007


'You cant control the waves, but you can learn to surf'- Unknown

We can shape our lives, shape our destinies, shape our universe by what we focus on, by our beliefs either empowering or disempowering, and by the actions we take. But we dont always know 'how' things will come about, waves or events happen and we cant always control them, what we can control however is our response. We can either react - usually in a pre programmed negative way, or we can choose to respond with calmness, choose to respond like a warrior. It is a warrior who can smile in the storms of life not only for himself but he can lift all of those around him too, he can 'bring the others back'.
Are you going to let external circumstances control you? or are you going to be a master of your own fate? The choice is yours at any given moment. Are you going to hide from the storms in fear? or are you going to stand with courage and with faith knowing the storms will pass and the sun will come out, just let go of 'how'.
I once saw this following passage written out in a tricking video, i have no clue where its from, nor have the link to the video ,but i wrote it down, it makes me get really excited, you should too, smile!!-

I'll walk accompanied
and sleep comfortably
knowing that all sides
front, back, left and right
will be inevitable happiness
under all my uncertinty
for love and
the furure life i'll live
theres a story written out
that doesnt end so bad
i'll close my head
and shut my mouth
for i know eveything
from here on out
will be ok

the adventure awaits....
David Kelso