Friday, January 18, 2008


Last night i had the pleasure of going to see The Chinese State Circus. As i was sitting enjoying everything about the show, the performances, the story, the colours, the sounds, the atmosphere, the audience, the stillness, there was both a Kung Fu and Lion Dance performance. I became aware whilst watching these acts of a sentimental feeling arising within me.

Now i don't have much use for the past, but let me for a moment use it to explain something. I used practice, perform and teach traditional Chinese Kung Fu and Lion Dancing. But more importantly than that was that i was very passionate about it, I immersed myself completely in the tradition and culture, i trained relentlessly and pestered my Sifu on a constant daily basis, until he told my to go away, i would and come straight back. I committed my soul to what i was doing.

As i came back to the present moment i was left with a realization, one probably everyone and i have read about many times, but this was deep and profound striking to my very core.
Everything , all forms, all experiences, every single 'thing' changes , evolves and falls away, are all ultimately an illusion. Trying to find happiness and peace in 'things' 'experiences' ' people' , 'the world' as Buddha pointed out thousands of years ago all lead to suffering. Whatever brings us happiness outside of ourselves and we become attached to that as our source of happiness also already contains within it our suffering and unhappiness as everything is fleeting temporary and subject to change. What we do is of no real importance, but How is.
My time practicing Kung Fu and Lion Dancing came to end to make room for something else to manifest.

True peace, true joy is within us, it has no opposite, it needs no outside condition to be, it is a stillness that cannot be moved and at our deepest level, is us, everything else is just on the surface.
You might be thinking , well if everything is fleeting and temporary, if anything we ever do ultimately means nothing, will fall away then whats the point in doing anything?
When you stop looking to things outside of yourself to bring you peace, joy and a sense of self, when you stop looking outside to answer 'who is this me?' Then any doing happens for two reasons which are one and ultimately the same. One is to bring consciousness into this world, to awaken yourself and others, the other and same thing is for the pure joy of it. When you stop looking for salvation in things, when you become detached from the need for any outcome to feel whole, you are completely free to enjoy all the fleeting experiences of this world, to honor everything fully, to do everything you do with complete passion and with no fear, because there is nothing to gain or loose, no place to get to, just the sheer joy of creating. You don't need anything, yet enjoy everything.

I believe everything 'thing' in this world, any and every experience you have is a gift from God, is God, and ultimately then is YOU. Confused?? Good, because this isn't something the mind can understand, it can simply make it into a concept, much like my words are now, they are only pointers to the truth.
That doesn't mean you go through life never really committing to anything, ditching one thing for another as soon as you get bored, sorry bub your still looking for salvation in things, looking for situations and experiences to bring you fulfilment and when something fails to meet your needs , you go straight onto the next thing, full of enthusiasm- but its short lived.
To honor something fully is to do exactly that, honor it fully.

Choosing which path to walk in your life is one the most courageous thing you can ever do, knowing fully any path you can walk will never bring you to peace, but still to dedicate yourself to it entirely is courage. Its also to realize fully that true peace is here, now, dependant on no-thing. Any path walked seeking happiness and peace as an end as a destination is doomed to fail- I don't mean you wont wont achieve your aim, you may, but you wont find happiness and peace there.
Choosing to walk a path in peace is to set off as yourself, be yourself every step of the way, at at the end be greeted by yourself. Then you can see, there is no path, only you every moment. All the beautiful experiences, all the amazing things you've seen all along the way all exist inside you.
How do you know what path to choose? Become quiet enough , become still enough and IT chooses all by itself.

As all this realization came to me in an instant i heard something echoing through me that someone very wise once said to me, it affected Me deeply when they first said it, but even more so this time, i am grateful for them having said it.....

'You are a blank sheet, an empty vessel, you are not attached to anything, yet find the joy in everything. Seek no longer to find the truth, seek no longer to experience your true self, it is your natural state. Instead seek to create yourself, who will you be in this lifetime?'- Haydn Ellis

Maybe only now i realize the true significance of those words

The adventure awaits......

David Kelso

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Many people ask me why i do what i do, why i spend so much time training, meditating, studying, why am i aiming my life like an arrow towards becoming a circus performer?

The answer is a simple one. Love. I love what i do, training to me becomes a meditation, everything falls away except the moment, i feel the stillness within, my oneness with all things, my true eternal nature, I feel the indwelling I AM. Its not the act of training or meditating itself that brings this feeling of indescribable joy and love, the act simply brings me fully to the moment, quietens the minds incessant chatter, dissolves the ego, draws me into presence where i feel and BE in my natural state of bliss and joy. As Eckhart Tolle puts it- it is simply the joy of being.

My intention to become a circus performer is simply an natural extension of what i love, its a natural progression, it isn't really my intention, its life's intention expressing through me, life isn't a thing a have, but rather a thing I AM. The vision and direction is born from inspiration, and i believe as everything is, part of a Divine plan unfolding that is beyond mental understanding.

But maybe as i become more consciously aligned with life, maybe i have a glimpse into some of that. Is it this i want to share with you, what spirit the circus reveals to me.

The spirit of Le Crirque takes the seriousness and heaviness out of the world , out of life, it shows what life is, a dance of forms, a dance of passion, of love, of humor, of music ,of colour and vitality, its a celebration of life flowing into form, a celebration of this moment, a celebration of the joy of being.

It is a collection of some of the best athletes on the planet who are completely humble, who demand no personal recognition, who are happy to become complete vehicles for the expression of life and spirit and love all to make other people happy, all to make other people smile, all to let other people be amazed at what can be done in this world when we let spirit take over us, all to let stillness shine out, to bring others into the moment, to awaken them to that spirit they see within themselves. And that is simply beautiful!

Its a celebration of oneness, the performers and the Audience are one family all taking part in this cosmic dance of life, all one within the experience of the moment.

When the performers perform , they efface themselves, a stillness from deep within flows through them and shines outward, touching everyone who witnesses it, the eyes and body reflect so much passion, so much love and by letting go, by handing it over to spirit, human bodies are moved in extraordinary ways, ways that defy limitations, that are incomprehensible to the mind, so we stop thinking.

Shows the impossible becomes possible with dedication towards an ideal, with surrender.

Its a demonstration of having complete faith and trust in that which we cannot see or name, in handing everything over to spirit and letting it guide us to 'wherever' to express through us in a multitude of beautiful ways.

It is about family, the one family that is under the heavens, about people from all different countries, all different races, all different creeds coming together to realise there is no difference at all, to realise their oneness, and celebrate that by working together to allow beauty, laughter, adventure, love and passion to flow into this world.

I feel these to description of two of my favourite Cirque Du Soleil shows Alegria and Varekai, encapsulate some of the spirit of the cirque-

Alegría is a mood, a state of mind. The themes of the show, whose name means "jubilation" in Spanish, are many. Power and the handing down of power over time, the evolution from ancient monarchies to modern democracies, old age, youth—it is against this backdrop that the characters of Alegría play out their lives. Kings' fools, minstrels, beggars, old aristocrats and children make up its universe, along with the clowns, who alone are able to resist the passing of time and the social transformations that accompany it.

The word varekai means "wherever" in the Romany language of the gypsies the universal wanderers. This production pays tribute to the nomadic soul, to the spirit and art of the circus tradition, and to the infinite passion of those whose quest takes them along the path that leads to Varekai.

Whenever i watch the circus, as well as a great many other things it stills the mind, brings me into the moment, brings me into presence, here i feel unimaginable, joy, passion, excitement, peace, love, the joy of being. If i can offer a doorway into that feeling for others then ill do it with my entire soul.

Why do i do what i do? Love

The adventure, the passion, the love awaits.....

David Kelso