Thursday, April 19, 2007


Merry Christmas everyone!
OK has Kelso gone nuts? its the middle of April and this crazy fool is wishing us merry Christmas????
Nope its not Christmas day, and that is exactly my point.

Why do we limit ourselves to celebrating this great gift of life to only specific days? Christmas, new year, birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, weekends, Easter?
What about today? what about this moment?

'But Kelso, these times are different, i get to spend them with loved ones, i get to enjoy myself, to be playful, to smile, to laugh, to relax, to take time to myself, to eat good food'

Yes all true, but cant you do that everyday? cant you laugh, cant you smile, relax, take time to yourself, be playful, connect with people, open yourself to life every single moment? And if you enjoy spending time with the people you love so much, why don't you do it more instead of one day a year? Why wait? we only have this moment.

The Truth is you don't need any external conditions to celebrate this great gift of life you have been given, if its sunny embrace and enjoy the sun fully, if its raining, embrace and enjoy the rain fully, embrace fully this moment, for its all you will ever have. There is a calm centre within you, it is pure joy pure happiness, it cant be shaken, unless you let it, by external conditions that you perceive to be bad, nothing is bad.
Things may seem trivial , people go through life as if its a chore, never experiencing the joy of every moment, celebrate it!
I take great joy in alot of things people would view as trivial, the sunrise, looking at the stars on a clear night, every muscle straining rep of every exercise, lying on the cold ground exhausted and soaked with sweat after a Brutal workout, sitting doing nothing not thinking (some people call this meditation!!!), Holding the hand of the person i love, looking into the eyes of the person i love, simply just breathing- Life in every breath
I celebrate it all!!!!
I don't mean you need to cartwheel down the street grabbing passers by and shaking them in excited energy screaming 'I just had a breath! how awesome! how amazing!' Although this can be fun sometimes too!! But its the silent celebration within, to feel that pure feeling of joy, to appreciate you very existence.
Nothing is Trivial in this life, if you feel it is, i suggest you re-read my article on Gratitude, re-read the inscription on Brandon Lees grave. If you knew this was to be your last moment of this life, how would you treat it different? If you knew that this was the last moment you would get to spend with someone you love in this life, how much more would you savour the moment? how much more would you open yourself to them? would you still save telling them you loved them for one day a year? Or embrace this beautiful moment? what if you knew that this would be your last time to move your body in vibrancy, in action, in this moment? Or the last time to feel the breath of life and energy coursing through your body?
You don't need to dwell upon 'what ifs' But my point is nothing is trivial, enjoy every moment as if its your last, realise the beauty and magic of every moment.
The reaper may be waiting on your shoulder, but so is the magic of life, waiting for you to embrace it, i say screw the reaper, he will take you when hes good and ready, not before and not after, so don't worry about anything, theres magic to be felt, now!

Go watch a baby, every moment is magic unfolding to them, adventure, joy, they live for the moment, this is your natural state, go and find it!

Celebrate life 25 hours a day!

Happy new year!

The Adventure awaits......

Live it

David Kelso

Friday, April 06, 2007


Bob Proctor, one of the philosophers on 'The Secret' is quoted as once saying-
'Everything that happens in your life, without fail, without exception, is moving you towards your dreams'

I think this is a beautiful belief, If you really begin to think about this, to transcend thinking about it and really feel it with every part of you, to live it, it is life changing.

When you live this it doesn't matter what happens, even seemingly negative things you experience, you can have absolute faith , that everything without exception is moving you in the direction of your dreams. It is a warriors job to find the positive in everything!
Living in this way automatically shifts you vibration to a positive one, no negativity can enter here because you are refusing to focus on it, so therefor it doesn't exist, you are looking for and focusing on the positive and that is what you will bring to life, this is as i have stated before, being the calm within the storm, being the warrior.

Others around you may be focusing on the negative, and be blind to positive, they may try to convince you to 'face reality'. What reality i ask? You create your own reality, there is no reality independent of the observer, once you start to choose to find the positive, to focus on, to have absolute faith that EVERYTHING is moving you in the direction of your dreams, then that is what is.

Know what you want, believe in it, and let go, here you will attract all the experiences you need for its manifestation, don't judge what comes to pass, just believe its moving you forward, look to the positive and that is what you will see.
For some, knowing what they want is the hardest part, it requires you to look inside, it takes courage. Trust that even if you don't know what you want, it will reveal itself to you one way or another, you will either keep having experiences of something until you take notice, you will have that feeling of being drawn to something from inside, that feeling to take inspired action, that intuitive urge, again it will keep repeating until you take notice. Or you may be guided by noticing what you don't want, this is good, just don't focus on it. From a transcendental view point there is no duality, no good and bad, but in this case contrast can serve us, by realising what it is you do not want, you can see clearly what you do- positive in everything- remember!
I believe that our dreams, our desires, the true ones from the heart come from our true higher selves, our spirit, super-consciousmind, they exist for a reason. So even if you are not aware of what you want, your spirit is, be alert for that nudge from within.

A great friend and teacher of mine once said to me-
'Look inside, find out what it is you want, because it wants you too'

I suggest the same now, to you.

The adventure awaits.........

Live it

David Kelso